Saturday, December 2, 2017

Downloading High Resolution Satellite Image Using Terra Incognita Software

Terra Incognita is a GPS mapping and management software that is available for download here. It is a program for downloading web source maps or local files maps for various programs or GPS devices.

In this post, I will show you how to use it to download High Resolution Satellite Images.

Steps to follow:

Step 0: Download and Install the software

Step 1: Launch the software making sure that your system is connected to the internet

Step 2: From the menu, go to "map source" menu and select the source of the background map. Here I selected Google satellite map.

Step 3: If the map isn’t in your area of interest, pan and zoom to the preferred area. Or copy the latitude and longitude of the area to clipboard and use the “Go To” menu and “paste latitude and longitude” this will automatically zoom to your area of interest based on the supplied latitude and longitude values.

Step 4: From the “Zoom levels” menu, select your preferred zoom level.

Step 5: From the “Selection” menu, use the Rectangle selection to select the area you want to save.

Note: to unselect, go back to the “Selection” menu and click on “Clear”.

Step 6: After selecting the area, go to the “File” menu, and select “Save map” and select the format you want to save to. I used “ArcView map” here.

You will see the progress of you download on the status bar at the bottom. If the area selected is large, then it may take awhile to finish saving.

Step 7: That is it. The resulting files will be in the folder you saved to. You can now open it in any GIS environment.

That is it!

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